Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Insert Witty Blog Title Here" [Day #29]

1. Went to the John Mayer/Phillip Phillips AND Bruno Mars/Ellie Goulding shows back to back this past weekend with some of my best pals! We basically did a "DIY Music Festival," and it was AH-MAZE-ING. John was as suave as ever, Phillip was genuine, Ellie was flawless, and Bruno was ON POINT, to say the least! (Bruno definitely ties with Muse for best live performers, ever. Like, EVER). If you want a more detailed recap, check out my BOTW blog:

The Gorge was GORGE, per usual.

2. Call Me, Maybe?
So for those of you that are also in the state of "The Funemployment Life," you are probably familiar with the phone interview. Having done a few myself, I have gathered up some tips on how to get through them:

  • Have a glass of water close to you. (I just had a 40 minute interview, and I was PARCHED... the thirst was real)
  • SLOW down! (I always talk fast because I don't want to think the interviewee is waiting on me)
  • Don't be afraid to ask them to repeat the question. (That way you understand what you are being asked AND you can buy yourself a few extra seconds to think of something witty)

3. Off to Joann's to get some supplies for my next DIY project, stay tuned!

We outty,

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